EtainPower simplifies the financing process for renewable energy producers


The energy industry has always been a much sought after industry, where innovative solutions will help achieve relatively large results, enabling us to conserve natural resources as a whole.

The use of conventional fossil fuels allows you to produce cheap electricity. However, the production process causes serious environmental pollution and sometimes it cannot even be changed. Sometimes for much needed renewal of natural resources as the Earth's population increases, it needs to wait for several decades before continuing to consume them further.

 Given the current state of the environment and the impact of global warming, many governments are seriously thinking about damaging natural resources because of the unwise use of traditional fossil fuels.

However, despite the fact that renewable energy sources have achieved several achievements, now there are still open questions to be learned within the framework of the project under consideration.

Blockchain Technology

The definition of Blockchain is an integrated technology for recording transactions with modern technology that has a unique, irreversible (eternal) code that has revolutionized the work of the Internet, banking, and other things. the word meaning of Blockchain comes from blocks and chains, that is to say, it has meaning.

The chain is a unique record of the chain and represents the path of all phases that are consistent from the transaction / transaction. A block (special box) is a place / border / special area to adjust all changes in objects / transactions that occur during the chain process. BlockChain Technology plays a very important role in creating digital currencies, for example, Bitcoin.

Blockchain is a public book distributed from all transactions in a particular system. This continues to grow as blocks are completed (transaction information). These blocks are made in linear and chronological order through cryptography. As a public system, information stored on blockbases can be accessed by all users; anytime anywhere. However, its distributed nature ensures that this information is resistant to illegality and cannot be measured. The blockade is the acceleration of interpenetration of the global economic system - cost reduction, risk reduction, increased efficiency and the formation of a newly formed level of trust through disintermediation of services. One sector that revolutionized this new technology was the financial sector. The emergence of blockchain technology highlights the great confidence in financial transactions through direct transactions from one to another, bypassing traditional brokers. The global financial system is very large, requires large coordinated labor and resources only to process one transaction. Brokers must always send, receive, and verify transactions, so the process is slow and difficult. These brokers are human and vulnerable to human failure, which often results in disastrous results such as the 2008-09 global financial crisis. They are, more often, targets of fraud and fake activities which result in the introduction of very strict regulations and generally higher costs for the euro ring. The 2008-09 Global Financial Crisis - the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression of 1929 - brought great difficulties to millions of people around the world and a credit crisis that still needs to be restored. Global economic growth has not returned to the level seen before the financial crisis. Most companies are forced to restructure and fire workers; The unemployment rate is still too high. The elimination of Blockchain third parties and eternity facilitates a paradigm shift towards a safer, transparent and decentralized banking system that tightly controls returning to the hands of users.

Observing Blockhain's success, EtainPower wants to present financing for renewable energy and ecosystem trade that supports two technologies, namely, blocks and AI. With the support of these two technologies, EtainPower is confident that it can create services that will support the development of intelligent energy ecosystems.

About EtainPower

EtainPower is a blockchain based platform to finance renewable energy sources. Through this platform, energy producers can connect with global investors and get full funding for projects.

Inspired by the decentralization of blockchain, transparency and democracy, the EtainPower team implemented a project to solve the problem of financing renewable energy projects.

Future income from electricity generation is sold to investors at prices below market prices to increase capital and complete project development. Investors can get PowerPoint (PPS) issued by renewable energy producers when they buy future electricity revenues. After the project launch, revenue from the power plant will be transferred automatically under a smart contract, and the PPS value, which is held by the investor, will be activated. Investors can exchange PPS for EPR with the same value through the EtainPower platform, use PPS to pay electricity, or use PPS to purchase other services in the EtainPower ecosystem.

The EtainPower platform simplifies the financing process for renewable energy producers, so they do not need to depend on only one or several investors to complete project financing.

The EtainPower function

EtainPower combines blockchain and AI technologies and applies them to global electricity networks in order to end the monopoly position of traditional energy giants and cause real decentralization in the smart energy ecosystem.

EtainPower - in essence, this project is very big. Its main task is to create a place where investors from all over the world will gather, and they will have the opportunity to invest in the same direction as environmentally friendly or otherwise, renewable energy. This is the main aspect needed by the field, because on this platform, the thoughts can be together that can offer ideas for implementation, and those who can realize this idea with the help of living project financing.

Due to the fact that EtainPower will help create renewable electricity, because it is connected to other networks, it is carried out by AI or arithmetic. These companies are managed on new servers and function with constant traffic, while at the same time, when they become more popular.

Etainpower also considers a newly developed and diversified microprocessor compared to others. Along with this, they also have to create and build relationships with utilitarian companies. EtainPower uses Articill Intelligence, IoT and blockchain, which are combined to implement renewable source resources.

Details of tokens and ICO

Starting from sales: July 2018
Token Name: EPR
Standard: ERC20
The total number of tokens issued: 10,000,000,000 EPR
Number of tokens sold: 3,500,000,000 EPR
Cost: 1 ETH = 75,000 EPR
Soft stamp: 3,000,000 USD
Hard stamp: 20,000,000 USD
Currency Received: ETH

Renewable tokens

Use of many of our energy chips
Continuous growth in the value of EPR Tokens
Smart Power Utility
Chip sales

EPR Token

Dinner 1 ETH = 65,000 EPR
Platforma Ethereum
ETH receipt
White List / KYC None


Author Audrey

Eth Address: 0x52242EF3Dcc07135c5176aC7bD9412Cf783253C9
