CCN - Provides solid, open source and brilliant tweaks

About Blockchain

Most of the world of cryptocurrency technology such as Bitcoin relies on the form of databases with the advantage of being able to track large and safe transaction volumes. The technology used by many digital currencies is Blockchain.

Blockchain was first implemented in 2009, and was revolutionized with Blockchain 2.0 in 2014. The Blockchain technology consists of blocks that hold transactions, where each block is interconnected through cryptography, thus forming a network.

Along with the development of the digital universe, cryptocurring in the future has become an increasingly attractive proposition in the market and may not have traditional banking infrastructure. Some developing countries in the world have even implemented Blockchain-based national currencies, such as Bitcoin, and the technology is also used by several large charity projects to help those who do not have bank accounts.

Blockchain also has the potential to be used outside the scope of digital currencies, and attracts many traditional financial institutions to be adopted.

While the blockchain (or circulation of innovation records) may be able to rearrange the establishment of electronic commerce and information hoarding, the use of innovations by non-PC experts has been limited by the absence of easy-to-understand applications. let go of the advantages of speed, reduced costs, and security of smart contracts for people and organizations This speaks to the age of programming that will come as administration. Guarantees to improve the situation brilliantly contract the content administration framework, go further to make the basis of agreements and legally binding procedures generally binding

Next, open it, while empowering the foundation for validation and computerization.
Many organizations try to use blockchain and sharp contracts. As the Accenture 2017 discovery shows, bank speculation alone can set aside $ 12 billion every year by embracing blockchain and smart contracts. As per Gartner's measure, more than 25% of associations around the world will use a sharp decline in 2022.

Organizations such as IBM and Microsoft offer blockchain settings and increased smart contracts for large business customers. However, the arrangement, too, calls for customization. This implies an interest in scattered record designers will only develop.

What is a Smart Contract?

A brilliant blockchain-based contract is a bit of code that can be executed on its own at the scattered recording stage which naturally implements the provisions of a multi-party agreement. To execute get sharp, PCs set up using agreement conventions.

An agreement can be reached at either the record level (among all individuals from the blockchain) or at the exchange rate (among explicit exchange members). This exchange is permanent and can be followed again.

Organizations are based on contracts. Hundreds of them. Conventional contracts are printed on large size paper and require many layers of human support before official official. They are boring, expensive and often open to restrictions.

A brilliant contract removes this problem. They are contracts written in PC code and distributed to open blockchain settings. The result is an agreement that is suitable for computerization that encourages, implements, and enforces legitimate agreements made.

What makes them understand is that they can be made like flash, have no layers of costs and organization, and approval cannot be changed, because of the blockchain.

Because personality is not communicated to the system, two meetings from anywhere on the planet can immediately make secret contracts for other businesses or movements. Some examples of this exercise can be found here

CCN services

CCN carries out its own, follow-up contract that requires the fulfillment of duties by two meetings to start exchanges. It naturally monitors the provisions of a detention and empowers every development towards its satisfaction. At the point when facilitated on the Blockchain, smart contracts cannot be modified or interfered with by any meeting, including the two approval holders. If changes must be made, a completely new contract must be made.


What is CCN?

CCN is a brilliant contract specialist organization that provides smart answers to advance and check contracts intelligently. Our main goal is to provide brilliant, open source and brilliant tweaks depending on the Blockchain Ethereum convention to achieve client needs with
final security to ensure Ether clients, tokens, or information stored on smart contracts. CCN has become the deepest included with the blockchain, and we are very happy to officially report our new administration offer: a brilliant contract!

CCN is a smart contract service provider that is known to provide the best and cost-effective solutions for intelligent contract development and auditing.

Problems faced and solutions given

Today's industries are non-crypto or crypto facing a variety of problems that can be solved by the mechanism of the Decentralized Smart Chain and Contract.

Crypto Industry

Selection of the Right Protocol
Bulk token distribution
Smart, Unreliable Contract
High Cost For Services

Slow and Unreliable

Lack of Resources
Lack of experience
Lack of Guideliens
Lack of Appropriate Assessment

Centralized Network

Slow productivity
Middle Failure Point
Bad Data Accuracy
Poor Data Transparency
Higher Transaction Fees

General payment

Does not support Tokenisasi
Only BTC / ETH is accepted
Only USD / EURO is accepted

CCN helps businesses or industries to switch from decentralized blockchain platforms to easily face common problems and challenges.

Relational Blockchain

CCN provides services through the Ethereum platform which acts as a platform for many products and services, enabling a strong ecosystem to grow around it.

Cost-effective solution

We offer smart contract development and lowest-cost audit services, which do not include arrangement fees or consulting fees.

Fast and Reliable Development

We jointly hold extensive resources, expert teams, and systematic approaches to improve the reliable dApps development process

Multiple Payment Options

CCN accepts 9 types of Cryptocurrency (BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, TRX, DASH, XMR, BCH), 3 types of fiat currencies (INR, USD, EURO) and CCN Tokens to buy our Services.

Testnet Implementation

Before your smart contract is used on mainnet, this contract is used on Testnet to verify proper functionality, optimization, and compliance with requirements.

Postal Service Support

We love our customers and provide free support for up to 12 months from the date of product delivery if there are differences to ensure complete customer satisfaction.

Special Contract

Here, we develop customized smart contracts that might suit your needs and needs to reduce your workload.


After conducting a rigorous smart contract audit we produced a report with comments and finally gave compliance certification.

CCN accepts a smart contract because it might:

• Cost-effective
• Fast
• Automated
• Precise
• Irreversible
• Autonomous
• Decentralized

Smart contracts can be used for a variety of businesses, from betting to coordination, protection, saving money, social insurance, government, board vehicles and that is only the tip of the iceberg.

Supply chain

Sfely provides data available for all meetings in the store network and mechanizes tasks and installments.
Barclays Corporate Bank uses sharp contracts to record changes in ownership and exchange in installments naturally with other organizations related to money at the time of entry.


It is not only the blockchain that provides its own records as a source of trust, but also reduces the correspondence and work processes that are intertwined with precision, candor, and a computerized framework. Note the blockchain also eliminates gaps that usually occur with free preparation that can cause expensive claims and delay settlement. In 2015, Depository Trust and Clearing Corp. (DTCC) uses the blockchain record to process more than $ 1.5 quadrillion worth of securities, speaking to 345 million exchanges.

CCN Token

CCN is an open source Ethereum blockchain and an ERC-20 convention based on tokens that can be used to take CCN (Custom Contract Network) administration and its supporting organizations. It will be accessible in various trades for exchange and utility purposes.

CCN Tokens are computerized resources provided by CCN. This is based on the ERC-20 blockchain Ethereum convention. The name of the CCN Token is "CustomContractNetwork", the image of the CCN Token is "CCN" with Decimal "18".

As we might know, CCN tokens have been recorded in several exchangers. You can make purchases and exchange to press CCN tokens at:

Stex Exchange :

EtherFlyer Exchange :

Mercatox Exchange :

Token Information

Symbol Token: CCN

Total Token Supply: 890,000,000,000

Decimal: 18

Token Category: ERC-20, Utility Token

Main Market: ETH & BTC

Address of Smart Contract: 0x17B26400621695c2D8C2D8869f6259E82D7544c4

Allocation of CCN tokens
36% Marketing & Development

25% of Investors & Private Partners

20% Team Members

16% Booked

3% Operating Costs

Use of results
25% Business Development

25% reserve

20% technology

18% marketing

12% of operations


September 2018

Market Analysis & Raw Material Collection

Project Assessment

Build Teams & Outline Projects

Feedback Collection and Review

Cost Assessment

October 2018

Project Development & Allocation Analysis

Website Development

Smart Contract Development & Risk Analysis

Removing the Whitepaper & Supported Material

Community Development Campaign

November 2018

Applying to the Exchange

Starting the Bounty Campaign

Advisory Recruitment

Marketing and Promotion Activities

December 2018

Listing On Exchanges

Removing the Supported MVP & Document

Events & Partnerships

Employ Technical Experts

January 2019

Business tour

Ecosystem Growth

Token distribution

R & D

Promotion Post

To be able to contribute to this project please visit the following official links:

Website :
Telegram :


Bitcointalk Profile:;u=913491

Eth: 0x52242EF3Dcc07135c5176aC7bD9412Cf783253C9
