AIS (Alternative Investments And Security)


Hello, my friend, all loyal visitors to this blog, met me again, of course, on this blog, blogs that discuss the world of crypto. On this occasion I will explain a good new project for all of you to follow, this project is called AIS (Alternative Investments And Security). To find out more, let's look at the following comments.



As it grows, the number of cryptomonettes available, which has far exceeded 2000 values, has increased. This is not much and not a little, and certainly not the last number, which we will see. Therefore, to ensure the harmonious operation of all crypto coins, and their relationship with other digital tokens, exchanges are needed, where people from all over the world can buy / sell and exchange with each other. At present in the world there are quite a few exchanges, around 60, and then the biggest are OKEx and Binance. The rest only get their strength so that they can be strengthened in the world of metabolic processes. And many experts believe that for high-quality and highly efficient operations of all cryptocurrency processes, more exchanges are needed to reduce the demand that has been formed.

It's hard to imagine what awaits us in the near future, if in ten years our world has changed without being recognizable. Now almost every second has cool smartphones, access to cellular internet and social networks, our world is shrouded in digital and electronic technology that predicts the future of our technology. With the advent of cryptocurrency in our world, many have begun to change, the types of relationships between people change, payment methods change, temporary values ​​change and many other indicators. In short, everything grows and develops in a progressive process. Many might say that cryptocurrency is not serious, and the decline that occurred in 2018 shows that, but not. Many experts, on the other hand, are improving the market capitalization of all ICO projects and arguing that the total amount is much higher than in 2017. Thus, we can safely say that the world of cryptocurrency is slowly but surely growing!

About AIS
With the increasing number of cryptocurrency, the need for a cryptocurrency exchange that is safer, easier to use, provides various services to attract users will also increase. In addition, there is an increasing demand for services that allow cryptocurrency to be used as a personal financial asset.

We at Project AIS plan to build a cryptocurrency exchange of some kind in Mongolia. The planned cryptocurrency exchange will have all the features and regular functions but will also provide AI Concierge to support user transactions and services to increase the value of our cryptocurrency. By investing in cryptocurrency mining and resource mining, we will be able to share with profit coin holders not only from the exchange platform but also from this mining project.

What is AIS?

The AIS project will not exchange cryptocurrency in Mongolia. We will also offer a coin-operated platform with many functions. Of course, new exchanges will improve the comfort and reliability of existing services, but not only that, but also new cryptocurrency users who actually act as financial assets. To achieve this, we will invest in the DoubleCryptocurrency mining business and invest in real mining resources.

In addition, under the supervision of a central bank in Mongolia, we will establish business relations with one of the major banks in Mongolia and operate stock exchanges in accordance with applicable Mongolian law. With a banking company, we can realize world-class world class security.

We will provide services for exchanging digital currencies with legitimate currencies that will
allows the use of further assets. Finally, we want to offer something

The unique Wallet application uses AI technology, which is full of opportunities for users around the world.
AI technology has been used in health care, infrastructure, finance, banking and services.
Smartphones have shown the possibility of personal assistants and concierge services and have been integrated into our daily lives. When registering in Exchange, users are asked to perform a simple behavior test. In this way, AI personal officers can understand the behavior characteristics of each user. We are working hard to develop a personalized AI concierge that will serve all users.
Our mission is to build a new crypto wallet in Mongolia to provide original marks with various features and services and to develop an AI concierge system that you navigate through a growing market for crypto currencies to help.


However, despite all these positive waves, there is also a negative drop in them, which greatly influences the development of cryptocurrency in one or another situation. Because most exchanges are registered in Belize and Malta, which, in turn, is not very favored by the governments of each country. Because there is a very high possibility that the state budget will flow out of certain national borders. At the same time, each user personally wants to ensure that their transactions are safe, with minimum fees and other guarantee standards.


Analyzing the situation that has arisen, many countries are developing their own stock exchanges, where they will set their own rules, functions, and tools where users can feel safe and secure. That's how an extraordinary exchange project was born in Mongolia


The function of Cryptocurrency Exchange from Mount GOX to Coincheck, hacking cryptocurrency has become a big problem. Even Binance, the largest cryptocurrency exchange, has a report on hacking incidents. As you probably already know, hacking incidents are not the result of the vulnerability of key-block technology in cryptocurrency, but are the result of vulnerabilities in the Exchange security system. To protect NIEX assets, we have taken
the following security steps:
  •   Two-step authentication
  •   Multisig
  •   Advantage
  •   Password
  •   Main password function · Cold storage
  •   Mail access function
Features offered

AIS Tokens are genuine coins for AIS-X cryptocurrency exchanges.

Mining resources
The new resource mining company will dig gold, bronze and coal but will specialize in rare metal mining.

Cryptocurrency mining
Agriculture in cryptocurrency mining will only explore various cryptocurrency using the ASIC engine which is adjusted to hedging risk measures to reduce mining efficiency.

Affiliate Business with the Bank
We will save cryptocurrency exchanges on servers within the bank to provide maximum security.

AI Concierge
AI officers who understand user behavior characteristics will be provided to help everything from daily transactions to market trend analysis.

We plan to provide chat services in exchange for cryptocurrency.

Benefits provided
To complete the above features, additional features and options will also be available within the AIS framework. As an example:
  1. To give users maximum security, AIS developers intend to place their exchanges on their central bank's internal servers in Mongolia;
  2. At the same time, the AISC mining cryptocurrency field will also mine other cryptocurrency assets, thereby generating additional funds for its development and encouraging its own users;
  3. AI Concierge intends to complete all this, which is able to analyze the characteristics of user behavior, provide valuable recommendations about designation and navigation within the platform, and assist in a more in-depth market analysis of trading activities.
ICO Details
Maintain and make sure the AIS exchange value will be an internal token (AIS) where all exchange processes on the existing platform will occur. The total age of the system will be allocated 2,300 billion coins. Of this amount, 50% will be allocated to public sales, 20% will remain in reserve, 15% will be distributed among the development team, 10% will be received by the advisor and 5% will be received by the company.

Token Sale
Bulk Sales Information
Soft Cap: 10,000,000 USD
Hard stamp: 45,000,000 USD

Assignment of tokens


License Analysis of Characteristics of Human Behavior Obtained / Starting AI Programming
Signing of MOU with Bank NI
Establishment of NIEX, a corporate entity that regulates the AIS Project, in Mongolia
October - Pre Sales
November - Starting from the company Cryptocurrency Mining.
December - EXAM AI Software Concierge

March - Cryptocurrency exchange in Mongolia
Bulk sales
Starting from Resource Mining investments.
May - AI Concierge software b EXAM
June - Launch of AI Concierge software


AIS surprised me that this was the first Mongolian exchange, created and operating with the support of the Central Bank of Mongolia, and also fulfilling all state laws. If the project at the initial stage has such strong support, we can safely assume that success is guaranteed. In addition, the AIS developers intend to develop in parallel other promising fields.

Therefore, I suggest you learn all the documents needed for this project, and learn all the features independently. To do this, at the end of this review you will find links to all the useful resources you need for deeper AIS analysis.

So much information that I can give to all of you. To find out more information please visit the following official links:


Author Audrey
Eth Address: 0x52242ef3dcc07135c5176ac7bd9412cf783253c9
