Storichain - Story industry platform uses blockchain property

About Storichain
Storichain is a project that provides partially distributed dApp applications and general protocols to solve story industry problems using the blockchain property. "Primary industry" refers to industries that use the source of "stories" for their products and cover fields such as film, drama, web novels, web drama, drama, musicals, and radio programs.

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Storichain can be seen as a digital asset management system that allows people to shop online with unreliable people by "making agreements to prevent idea theft." Another problem in the industry is the profit distribution. For example, the webtoon industry, one of the largest plot-based industries in Korea, has surpassed the $ 700 million market, but there are still many people who suspect that the industry and many materials are being distributed. Content creators still have difficulty getting enough compensation for their work.

Storichain began by setting a benchmark for the story foundation, which ultimately wanted to reduce trust among participants in the story industry - writers, production companies and readers. In this way, Storichain makes source material more transparent for the process of creating derivative works, decides on industrial injustice, and creates new values.

The aim of the Storichain project is to study and develop "stories" as a kind of intellectual property. Story narratives can be defined as industries that contain stories and actions that use stories made for different purposes. In 2014, Story Stories defined industries that added value through products and businesses based on research, discovery, design, development, creation, distribution, and delivery of stories that were considered a source of imagination and creativity.

Storichain does not store original historical information on the blockchain. This is because Storichain takes into account the contributions made at the stage of creation and at the event, as well as the transfer of ownership of history more than the text and graphic information from the story itself. In fact, nothing can prevent someone from sharing text content, because all he needs is to take a picture of his monitor and share it where he wants. Thus, rather than just preventing Storichain from doing so, it is more important to systematically measure the value of the author's efforts by measuring who participated in history, when and how they participated, how ownership was moved, and how much each Creator participated in the story when collaborating.

Storichain called this kind of information "operational". Because activity metrics are used to distribute accumulated profits in history, activity metrics cannot be faked or manipulated. In addition, performance indicators are also used as a basis for calculating the growth index used to determine the value of the most important asset of the story. This is the basis for profit distribution.

Storichain follows blockchain technology, which provides trust between participants and extends its boundaries to unexpected areas. The Blockchain provides trust in boundaries and ideology, helping many industries to simplify the problems they encountered in the past and provide new solutions. Storichain seeks to embed the blockchain in the narrative industry to create a world where all participants can be satisfied by taking part in responsibility. To implement this philosophy step by step, the company has now identified current industry problems to find new solutions.

What is the history of this industry?

  • This refers to the media industry based on stories such as films, dramas and web cartoons.
  • The role of the intermediary in the modern story industry has a positive effect on the end user of the optimal benefits of secondary work.
  • However, what benefits did the screenwriter get from the 10 million film shows?
  • How many benefits does the average reader from reading an original novel and answer it?
  • How often does "excess income" occur?
  • Only yesterday or today there was a problem with the distribution of excess income, but tomorrow we may not reappear.
  • Now we need fair distribution and distribution for writers who create stories, which are source material for the additive media industry, and which in the future will be 130 trillion won.
  • At the same time, it is very difficult to collectively certify quantitative data that can be used as a basis for dissemination.
  • Contribution of data for the creation of more accurate blessings to DLT (technology-distributed books) and providing compensation to narrators for the sale of copyright.
  • In addition, if you can make the history of IP (intellectual property) an asset, collect a foundation with your own history and make a truly new lifestyle different from the others.


  • A space where everyone can publish confidential situations in history with the protection of personal information
  • Refunds can be made for unread components! Scene Reaction, Exchange, Assessment, Recommendation
  • Your deep reading contribution is also based on your reaction!
  • Cut-in Talk: comments between actors
  • Remuneration if taken after giving an episode of privacy to the author
  • Distribution of copyright income as the index grows
  • Animation Viewer for readers. Crypto-Actor Change feature!

  • Professional creative tool for creating / distributing video scripts, webtoons, web novels, and interactive storage
  • Function to upload illustrations for illustrator monetization
  • Creation progress, the latest variations in contributions, and story growth charts
  • Team agreements between collaborative authors (translators, illustrators, acoustics, author assistants), Smart NDA Copyright Protection, Plagiarism Detection
  • Pre-Built Smart Contract - Contract Framework Kit for income distribution based on the level of participants' contributions
  • Funding for video production / publishing
  • IP of the story of trade through growth charts measured by participants' contributions
  • Gateway, a beginner writer through the Contesting Menu
  • Distribution and completion of cryptocurrency based coupons
  • Pro Stori: a menu for professional writers
  • Open Stori: a menu for creating social stories for all those who share their life stories into narration.
  • Stori Contesting: a contest menu for amateur writers and marketers who influence
  • Trading Stori: a menu for buying & selling with the story of Intellectual Property
  • Stori Funding: a menu for raising production funds to produce secondary works such as films, webtoons, etc.
Storichain feature

optimized for creators

Collaboration / joint recording / contract between authors, weekly reimbursement and API for third party contest provider companies

Ease of use
Anytime, anywhere you want to tell a story.

Simple and fast writing platform.

Relevant partners
Author Compliance / Collaboration Agreement / Job Statistics / Renewal Notifications / Making Commission Details

Deep participation
A platform for the work of readers, becoming a writer himself, making stories and participating in them

Platform that encourages fair and transparent participants based on their input.

Global platform
Global platform that can be translated, sold, or even protected by copyright for global expansion


2017 Q3

- IDEA concept

2017 Q4

- Team Formation & Advisory Contacts

2018 Q1

- Create a business model

- Storyboard edition 1

- First Business and Ecosystem Development Project

- MVP design

- Web publishing

2018 Q2

- making a prototype

- Conceptual Demo Video

- Architect Contributions

- 1-й Core Smart Contract Architect

- Sales of tokens

2018 Q3

- Invitation to Seed Makers

- MVP Closed Open

Fourth quarter of 2018

- POC - Eco Creator Experiment

- Web application (centralized)

2019 Q1

- Alpha Service Launch

(Using Luniverse)

- 2-й Core Smart Contract Architect

- Partnership with entertainment

2019 Q3

- Stori Contract, GI Contract

- Make a contract

2019 Q4

- Beta (Embossing / Distribution) Service

- Original content

2020 Q1

- Story Contract Launch Kit

- Template kit starter

2020 Q1

- Launches Crypto Actor Kit

2020 Q3

- Simple document set

Meet the team

Junes Lee> Founder and CEO

Yunchun Cheung> CCO (Self-actor filmov)

Jin Yang Choi> Technical Director

Sang Wook Kim> CSO (Developer)

Sang Hoon Khan> Lawyer (Copyright, Media and IP)

Mickey Choi> CBO (business organizer)

James Lee> Chief Engineer (Co-Founder)

Tae Seok Yang> Buhgalter

Effy Song> Director of Communication

Chan Gyo Kim> SF science fiction writer

Kcod Kyung> Developer

Hong Yeop Choi> Developer

Bohun Jeong> Business Strategy

Sung June Park> Content Strategy Producer


Jang Ho Lee> Režisér

Dr. Myung Son Lee> Consultant

Sung Jun Park> Doctor of Cryptology, Head of the Blockchain Research Center at Dunguk University

Jong Yoon Ro> Film Producer

Hee Won Jung> General Manager AnySign

Dong Sam Beiyun> Blokkein Эксперт

Shaquille Mohammed> Blockchain Expert

For more detailed information please visit the following official links.

Author Audrey

Eth Address: 0x52242ef3dcc07135c5176ac7bd9412cf783253c9
