NetVRk - Blockchain based VR platform


VR Problem

With so much potential, what makes VR so far from standard?

  • The lack of ingredients is a significant value
  • Limited proportion of material of significant value in the VR environment. Lack of all instrument settings made the surroundings.
  • Login Problem
  • Limiting complex prerequisites and conditions for ordinary customers as far as the manufacture of substances. Exorbitant application costs.
  • No Monetization option
  • There is no expected way to handle customization practices in VR, or to support standards organizations in business.


A social VR stage with amazing creation tools and systems to easily create, offer, discover and customize VR. The VR App Store makes it possible to create apps and experience them with others.

  • The infinite proportions of this substance are simply astonishing
  • An infinite number of incredible and extremely thoughtful VR universes. We offer a new and exhausting interest in VR with a rapidly increasing number of buyers.
  • Users at all levels can create VR / App worlds
  • Without specific data, customers can create compelling VR content for business or happiness using NetVRk's excellent multi-pragmatic pointers and instruments.
  • Monetization and Rewards for help

All VR customers will benefit. With all VR under one roof, associations really need to support it through various transformation strategies.

NetVRk gives customers the opportunity to create, share, and customize their performances using in-game administrator characteristics, denying the need for excellent coding or data capacity. The ability to create game assets, which will then have the option to be trampled as NFT, becomes as clear as using a working interface.

This open VR tool works with the end goal resembling that of PC games that use screens. Regardless, instead of playing the game on the screen, the game is played on two small screens inside a wearable headset. To allow customers to clearly see the images on the screen, each of which may be as close as an inch, two or three main foci are presented between the screen and the screen.

eye. This center focus, instead of intensifying the image like optics, actually makes it look further away, for example, seeing through the optics from several sides is unacceptable. This distant shock makes the image from the screen look like something we are actually seeing, misdirecting the soul and achieving the effect of replacing the real with the virtual.

NetVRk aims to create a virtual reality platform for its users so that they can have a very clear experience using it. The VR platform will be based on a universe model that allows for active interaction with all objects, for example, planets and cities ... Users will be able to create VR content and integrate it into this world using the own or already available NetVRk VR tools. This can be done by users who don't even have knowledge of coding or 3D modeling. All of these tools will be available and functional on the platform for any user who wants to create VR content.

NetVRk plans to create an ever-expanding virtual metaverse where everyone can get amazing views and at the same time get a chance to monetize their actions by creating content.

Users will be immersed in a unique and visually beautiful world that they can explore, inhabit and change according to their needs. What they create can be used for personal and professional purposes, as a blockchain-based ecosystem will allow the use of various tools to monetize their virtual world in a secure economy.

NetVRk uses VWGen technology to create an infinite number of unique, fully interactive virtual reality worlds. The ease of creating new worlds will greatly diversify NetVRk's content. Before adding user generated content to the platform, it will be validated and only then integrated. There will also be a rating and review system.

Companies can sell custom VR environments and make a profit and advertisers will be able to serve ads. Content creators will be able to sell and rent them to other users.

The development of NetVRk will allow us to enter the global virtual reality market and, accordingly, attract a large number of users to the platform. They will be able to create and share content using a wide selection of tools and do so very quickly and conveniently, and the features of the NetVRk platform will significantly reduce content creation costs. Viewers who will be more interested in this are virtual reality fans, especially gamers.

Benefits of NetVRk

1. Content Creator / Advertiser:

Multi-functional platform for easy content creation

Fast VR content creation

A tool that any user can understand

A functional and secure trading platform

Content monetization and the ability to advertise for goods and services

2. Developers:

Making apps easier

Everyone has access to templates for creating VR content

3. Business:

Great platform for partnerships and collaboration

New and modern way of advertising

Creation and promotion of services in VR

Various tools to create a business with special VR

Ability to trade real estate in cyberspace.

Income stream generation

4.VR Gamers / Enthusiasts:

Communication and interaction on the platform with other users in a unique way

New unique experience of virtual world, city...

Creation of your own unique location using the NetVRk editor


Token Ecosystem

NETVRK can be used to buy assets in a world with an increased experience where you are. Assets can consolidate structures, vehicles, houses close to a variety of others that will be found in the NETVRK market. All things considered a world apart, land is also important in the VR world in NETVRK. Tokens can be used to buy land on attractive properties such as close to the beach, or directly in front of a city. NETVRK tokens can be used to purchase increasingly sophisticated spaces, which can be used to generate some kind of modest income and offered to various social events for voting profit. These tokens can be used in the same way to create Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), another strategy for additional compensation.


Another strategy for earning modest income with NETVRK tokens has to be done through checks, which provide a fixed rate of return depending on their token designation in association.




White Paper:



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Bitcointalk Username: Gedang_goreng

Telegram Username: @gasngopi

Bitcointalk Profile Url:;u=3243664

ERC-20 WALLET: 0xEf8631B86407150685DBb0186A6f840C71119E56
