Nebula Protocol

One of the best communities in the crypto world

Traditional banking finance, which claims to play a role in improving the world, is not working. This only works for rich costumes. That's good for them, but not for most people. Decentralized finance (DeFi), on the other hand, is arguably a newcomer to the block, and is currently just a drop in the ocean (traditional finance). However, DeFi is already a viable alternative to most important financial services. Successful projects at DeFi do things in innovative ways that don't take advantage of the old financial system. Compound, Uniswap, and Balancer are good examples.

  • The wave of DeFi adoption is a great example of users looking to take control of their finances and define their own terms.
  • By focusing on yield aggregators and the NFT market, SafeNebula aims to do so by being a new protocol that adds functionality to existing DeFi systems.
By investing the same amount of SNBL-BNB tokens to be paired on PancakeSwap, the Nebula Protocol team receives LP tokens when the pool is launched. These LP tokens are available to the team, transferable like any other token on the blockchain, and can be redeemed at any time for the same amount of both tokens, depending on the value at the time of redemption.

What is SafeNebula (SNBL)?
The Nebula Protocol is a community-driven and fair-launched DeFi token. During each trade on SNBL, three simple functions are performed: flip, LP gain and burn.

Reflection: A 2% commission is charged for buying, selling or transferring, and everything is redistributed to each holder (the “yield”). The rebase mechanism works like an airdrop, but not because it doesn't require you to "collect" it - literally, it just manifests itself as an increase in your balance. The amount of the reward depends on the ratio of your assets to the total amount and volume of tokens traded.

LP Acquisition: In addition to the previous point, every buy/sell/transfer goes through an "automatic liquidity generation" event, i.e. 6% acquisition. This makes passive farming sustainable and constantly increases the minimum token price. Here's a simple explanation for the last point: the mechanism of collecting BNB and $SNBL, converting them to liquidity pool tokens, and fixing them permanently in the contract. Once in the contract, LP tokens can never be transferred as SNBL relinquishes ownership of the contract, leaving the resulting liquidity permanently locked out of contract functionality. This whole process ends with a sale transaction where tokens are collected on every purchase and every transfer transaction.

Burn: This is a black hole in outer space that forever requires a 2% commission on every transaction. According to previous records, 2,600-1,000 tokens are burned daily based on daily transaction volume. This allows for a decrease in supply as trading volume increases, creating more scarcity and buying pressure on the ecosystem.

What is SNBL?

SNBL is the main token in the Nebula ecosystem that is currently used to grow other tokens and will soon become the market currency for Nebula NFT.

About SNBL:

2% reflection 2% burns 6% liquidity
Market Cap: $2 million
Supply: 784k and deflation
ATH was priced at $13, now $2.6.
Already registered with CMC and CG

What is SNVault (SVT)?

Apart from passive crop cultivation, Nebula aims to create its own synthetic assets with a total distribution of 50,000 SNVault (SVT).

Tokenomic SVT:

Total volume: 50,000 SVT
Initial circulating supply: 10,000 SVT
RFI static reward per transaction (automatically distributed among holders): 4%
Treasury per transaction: 1% (temporarily stored as LP)
Maximum buy/sell limit per transaction: 250 SVT
Progressive Issue: During the staking/yield phase, users will earn SVT for each block to place their LP SNBL/BNB tokens. For staking, stakers will be charged 0.33% SVT Daily Rate. (Agriculture: to be confirmed). The aim of this distribution model is to reward a wide range of users as well as encourage the habit of betting on LP SNBL/BNB tokens.

What is NVT?

Nebula Market is designed to make life easier for founders and enthusiasts of blockchain projects by offering high-quality, ready-to-use cryptocurrency products for hundreds of the most popular cryptocurrency coins and tokens. Users can order various types of clothing and accessories online for specific coins, tokens or projects.

The currency, nicknamed "NVT", is Nebula's commodity market currency, which gives blockchain enthusiasts the ability to buy goods and interact with shops like any other fan-made project. But while the value of NVT is supported by demand from a sizable fan base, it behaves like a regular cryptocurrency by providing a floating value digital token, which is also an asset solution that helps transfer fiat and other assets to the BSC. network through the sale of goods.

Exhibition launches - initiated by the community and launched at the fair. Initial liquidity is provided by the team and locked for 6 months. Auto LP - every trade contributes to the automatic formation of liquidity in LP PancakeSwap.
  • Static Rewards - Holders earn passive rewards through static reflection as they watch their SNBL balance grow indefinitely.
  • Deflation - Contracts confirmed and published on Binance Smart Chain.
Liquidity locked protection
By depositing the same value of SNBL-BNB tokens for pairing on PancakeSwap, the Nebula Protocol team is awarded LP tokens upon pool initiation. These LP tokens are owned by the team, transferable like any other token on the blockchain, and can be redeemed at any time for the same amount of value of both tokens based on the value at the time of redemption. To eliminate any issues that might arise from the ability to clear all liquidity at any time (even if the team has no intention of doing so), the team has locked and restricted the movement of pool tokens through contracts with time-based functionality. This means that once the limit is set, tokens cannot be moved or exchanged until the pre-selected time has elapsed. This gives our users more confidence as the market has to exist in some form in the locked period.

Peeking Pool

Staking Pool 1 - Active
SNBL bet for SVT farm, 100% APY, 10.5% Withdrawal Fee, 5% fee compensated via NVT airdrop

Staking Pool 2 - Active
SNBL to NVT Bet, 365% APY, 10.5% Withdrawal Fee

Staking Pool 3 - Coming soon
SVT Bet to plant NVT,, APY 365%, Withdrawal fee 5%

Staking Pool 4 - Coming soon
NVT bet to farm BUSD
Apart from passive yield farming, Nebula Protocol has created its own synthetic assets with a total distribution of 50,000 SNVault (SVT) tokens. For SVT distribution, we use a modified version of the PancakeSwap farm infrastructure. Since Nebula Protocol does not intend to create its own competitor against PancakeSwap, we are not migrating to our own pool. Instead, we only use the staking/farming model for distribution.

1,000,000 Fixed Supply
2% Redistribution Tax On Every Transaction
2%. Burn on Every Transaction
6"'/o Liquidity Generation Tax On Each: Transaction1onTrans
Limit 70,000 per Transaction

SVT Tokenomy:
Total supply: 50,000 SVT
Initial circulating supply : 10,000 SVT
RFI static reward per transaction (automatically distributed to holders): 4%
Treasury per transaction : 1% (Temporarily saved in the form of LP)
Maximum limit of buy/sell per tx : 250 SVT


Protocol Nebula grew up and became a big family and we are very happy that everyone is staying with us. We are truly one of the best communities in the crypto world. Nebula Protocol is a community driven and fair launched DeFi Token.

For More Information on the Nebula Project:

Author info
Bitcointalk Username: Gedang_goreng
Telegram Username : @gasngopi
BSC Wallet Address: 0x36cf2Fdf76E1CEFE2357a9bba779F0F7c363d735
