Cinemadrom- Platform for Independent Film Makers with the International Blockchain Network

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The fever about cryptocurrency is increasing, people have heard it, and more and more people want to find out more about it, and find ways to be a part of it. When blockchain technology comes, things change, things get better, we said. So much business has improved, so many companies have begun to use crypto currencies in their jobs. New ideas come every day. People want to invest in new projects. We have the biggest tool in the world, and it's called the Internet. The internet is a large base of information where we can do anything. The internet has connected the whole world.

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IBNIF CINEMADROM is made with the principles of new technological and financial interactions of all film production participants, writers, directors, producers, professionals, actors, investors, partners and viewers.
In addition, the main objective of CINEMADROM is to create a new, advanced and independent world film industry system, where each film will pay, and every second will bring benefits to the creator and the investor.

IBNIF CINEMADROM is the International Blockchain Network of Independent Cinematographers, which is built on the principle of new technological and financial interactions between all film production participants, writers, producers, specialists, investors, and viewers. In essence, IBNIF CINEMADROM uses blockchain technology.


This involves copyright law permits, contractual relationships with all participants in film projects, as well as permits, approvals from all types of organizations and state structures in the process of producing and renting film projects. Now you don't need a large stack of documents, control over the implementation of contractual relationships - everything is automatically controlled and executed by Smart Contracts and fixed in Blockchein.

About the IBNIF CINEMADROM Structure and Ecosystem

All companies are connected in a single blockchain network and automatically interact with the main IBNIF management company.

  • IBNIF international office network.
  • IBNIF Film Studio.
  • IBNIF Distribution Company.
  • Streaming IBNIF services.
  • IBNIF Online Film Market.
  • IBNIF movie agent.
  • IBNIF social network from cinematographer.
  • Now with IBNIF going into film production - $ 100

With the help of blockbuster, we have reduced the entry threshold to film production from $ 1ml to $ 100.

Every Second Film Project, Produced on IBNIF - BENEFITS!

According to statistics, only 10% of paintings at the box office are profitable. With the help of IBNIF technology, we have increased this indicator to -50%.

Opportunities given to Platform Users

For writers

The opportunity to film your creative ideas independently or in co-authoring. Find a producer, director, creative team and carry out your project. Create scenario groups to work on their plans. Selling scripts on the online film market.

For producers

Opportunities, without politics and connections, in a short amount of time to collect the budget needed for film production, began filming and went for rent. Find scripts, writers, directors - for the film version of the plan. Get profit from film projects.

For Director

The director's debuting ability places their first full meter. For experienced filmmakers, collect teams and get funding for their projects. For beginner directors, release short meters for festival rentals. Career in cinema.

For investors

Ability to create project portfolios from different genres, with optimal risk and return ratios. Buy and sell property rights for films and scenarios. Get profit Having a film library, continue to receive deductions from using rights to the show.

For partners

Opportunities for cinemas and distribution companies to increase distribution costs. For organizations that provide services to filmmakers - to get new customers from their products or services. Enter new regional and international markets. Increase profits.

For audiences

Opportunities to choose to watch movies at partner cinemas or on IBNIF Streaming services. Receive LUMIERE crypto coins for watching movies and advertisements. To form a ranking of film projects, and make suggestions for improving the film. Participate in funding and film projects. View movies and TV shows from various genres at any time.

For Actors

Ability to get leading roles and supporting roles in film projects around the world. Participate in screen casting in a convenient location. Become a co-author, film project writer. Novice actors continue to improve their acting skills. Become a demand in the film industry.

For Freelancer

Opportunities for specialists, cameramen, artists, assistants, property owners, gafers, translators and other masters in their fields to continue to receive new orders and work throughout the world. Good for projects on platforms and outside platforms.

For advertisers

The ability to choose targeting with various geographical, social, age, religious, economic, intellectual, and other parameters from the identity of potential buyers. Gather your loyal target audience, community form. Invite new customers and enter new markets.

For the Blockchain Industry

IBNIF CINEMADROM Platform - attract capital from the real sector of the economy to the blockchain environment. Develop and popularize blockchain technology. Creating new blockchain technology and LUMIERE crypto coins, to solve the main problems of film production and distribution in the world film industry.

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10% - from investments in film projects posted by users.
50% - from the box office cinema project created by Film Studio.
50% - from the cost of IBNIF Streaming service customers, for services (Video On Demand).
10% - from the distribution of film projects and the sale of rights to the film market.
50% - from placing advertising projects in cimemadrom services.

Token Distribution

Distribusi Investasi

LUT Tokens - Utilities. Tokens released on the ETHEREUM blockchain
IBNIF CINEMADROM - tokens released at once. Additional emissions not provided 3,000,000
1 token = $ 1
To carry out its functions, IBNIF CINEMADROM, gradually created:
1 STEP - LUT utility token on the ETHEREUM blockchain.
2 STEPS - crypto LUMIERE coins on your own BLOCKCHAIN.
3 STEPS - LUT tokens are replaced by LUMIERE crypto coins - with a ratio of 1: 1.2.
4 STEPS - for LUMIERE coins, PoW standard mining algorithms, new PoS and mining algorithms Traffic Evidence is introduced.
The main purpose of developing your own blockchain is a problem in the work of existing algorithms:
Significant delay in translation,
big transfer fee,
Vulnerability to hacker attacks,
Low scalability,
Manipulation with the market value of coins, etc.
. The development of the blockchain itself is planned for the preliminary prokensale period:
This will be a hybrid mix of public and private blockchain.
All realized tokens will be exchanged for new crypto coins and then burned.
The newly created crypto coin will be referred to as LUMIERE and the smaller part is LUMI.


October - 2017
The project starts with IBNIF CINEMADROM
1) Ideas, concept development. 2) Project implementation plan.
March - 2018
Plan for implementing IBNIF CINEMADROM
1) Market research, 2) WP development. 3) Development of LUT tokens. 4) Development of the IBNIF CINEMADROM platform.
March - May 2019
Start Pre Sales
1) Start Pre-Sales. 2) Start Pre-Sales 1–2–3. 3) Start a marketing company. 4) Finalizing the IBNIF CINEMADROM platform. 5) IBNIF Film Studio project launch.
September 2019
Start ICO
1) Start ICO. 2) Test the IBNIF CINEMADROM platform. 3) Placement of the first user's film project. 4) First investor attraction.
December - 2019
Platform launch
1) Launch of the final version of the IBNIF CINEMADROM platform. 2) Release of the blockchain, release of LUMIERE crypto coins. 3) IBNIF Film Studio production project. 4) Create a server map in the world. 5) Opening of the IBNIF CINEMADROM office in the world region. 6) Production of user projects.
April - 2020
Planning of the IBNIF CINEMADROM function
1) Running IBNIF CINEMADROM Streaming. 2) Post-production project from IBNIF Film Studio. 3) Rent a project at a partner cinema.



For more detailed information please visit the following official links:

Author Audrey
Eth Address: 0x52242ef3dcc07135c5176ac7bd9412cf783253c9
