Built On Top of the Binance Smart Chain

Of all the precious metals, gold is the most popular as an investment. Investors generally buy gold as a way of diversifying risk, especially through the use of futures and derivative contracts. The gold market is subject to speculation and volatility just like any other market. Compared to other precious metals used for investment, gold has the most effective shelter and hedging property in a number of countries.

Much of gold's value stems from its rarity, that some gold bars, gold coins or gold jewelery (for example) can be small enough to fit in your pocket and, most importantly, from metallic to industrial uses. Cryptocurrencies are adapting some of the benefits of gold by generating rare bitcoins, by introducing digital coins that can be easily and easily transferred, and by creating a distributed and decentralized blockchain that helps businesses. Cryptocurrencies also add value by making your money transactions fast, safe, and transparent.

Cryptocurrency as we know it is the latest trend in the current (Digital) era. This is a type of currency that is created virtual. This is also called digital cash. The first of its kind, Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency, Goldmine Network Decentralized Finance is one of the most popular financial concepts today, based on decentralized Blockchain technology making DeFi a solution to various financial problems that occur today.

The world is moving fast. Things change from day to day even as various technologies emerge. 2008 saw a rapid decline in the world economy, leaving so many at a crossroads with the big question, where do we go from here? Since 2009, the wealth of the world's commercial operations has confidently been innovative to the level of competition and technological advancement, with the Blockchain technology institutions combined with the Gold Mining Network, on the Binance Smart Chain, which have proven to be quite consistent and independent compared to previous conventional institutions. From the source of experience, it has been established that cryptocurrency is developing the asset class management industry; It has long been believed that supernumerary investing is an important module in portfolio management.

Cryptocurrencies have helped move the world's economic and financial sectors to new heights. The impact can also be felt in other sectors of the world.

With the Gold Mining Network

transactions made easier, faster, and safer. Moreover, cross-border transactions are possible with little or no fees. This has proven to be a form of the original currency.

Decentralized funding is a topic of discussion due to the innovative nature of their services, which include (everyone can get the same service without a minimum number of transactions), open source (transparent, everyone can contribute), and unrelated storage (service providers) don't store data and do not have access to funds from clients) and have no intermediaries because they are governed by smart contracts, thus saving a lot of costs and having very flexible space to set interest rates for both lenders and sponsors

Gold Mining Network is an Ecosystem Built for Passive Income

Blockchain is a decentralized and anonymous platform.

Fully secure income based on Gold Mine Network protocol.

Confirmed smart contract code.

Gold Mine Features

Goldmine is a platform built specifically for passive income. Gold Mine is built based on the Gold Mining Network protocol which is very secure and anonymous. Users don't need to worry about the transaction, because all transactions will be secured with a smart contract that is directly audited by the Grox Solutions platform, a trusted and experienced audit team.

Following are the features of the Gold Mine:

1. Unlimited income:

As previously explained, this is one of the Gold Mine features that allows the user to earn passive income at a growth rate.

2. Reliability of gold mining smart contracts:

Users don't need to worry about their funds, because all user funds will be secured with reliable smart contracts that have been audited by the Grox Solutions platform.

3. Decentralized System:

Gold mining operates with a decentralized system, where there is no single entity that regulates the circulation of GMNE tokens.

AMA with the Gold Mine

Join us for AMA on the Telegram group @Decentralized_Club, where our esteemed guest Rukky (Co-Founder) of Goldmine Network will answer your questions and provide more insight into their project. Also have the opportunity to get rewarded.


Segment 1: Introduction (@ cryptoTALK01 will interact with the Gold Mining Network team).

Segment 2: Twitter Questions.

Segment 3: Website inquiries.

Segment 4: Live telegram inquiries.

A pool worth $ 100 GMNE to drop from the air.

1) Best 4 Telegram questions earn 10 $ GMNE each.

2) Top 3 Twitter questions, earning 10 $ GMNE each.

3) 3 questions Best Web sites earn $ 10 GMNE each.

Decentralized Club

An active global crypto community whose only interest is crypto. We provide a dynamic and popular platform for showcasing projects and increasing exposure.

What do we offer?

A platform to showcase your project, explaining in detail its use case and how it is better than competitors! In addition to the AMA sessions that take place in our global Telegram community, get extended exposure via our website and Twitter as well.

Why Join Our Community?

Our community is global and we really mean it! Interact with people from different backgrounds and find out how blockchain and crypto affect everyone's life. Share trading ideas, identify potential investments, etc. You can do it all HERE!

10,000: Total Weekly Messages

4 500: Average AMA Attendance

250,000: Part of the Decentralized Club

GMNE token

GMNE is a token launched by Goldmine and will serve as a payment on the platform or a third party. GMNE is based on the Binance BEP-20 with a total supply of 976,060,946,027499 GMNE. This token will be used by users to stake and earn dividends. Investors can get these tokens through available exchanges such as Pancakeswap. Here are the details from GMNE:


Pre-Sales Details:

Soft-Cap: 20 BNB

Hard Cap: 50 BNB

Presale Price: 4,000,000 / BNB

List Price: 500,000 / BNB

Min / Max to Buy in Pre-Sales: 0.1- 10 BNB

Total Supply: 990,862,728.58 GMNE

Holders: 28 addresses

Transfer: 32

Contract: 0xdd13bc4b81a4d4b9ac2dbdbcbb8150f7e351e018

Decimal: 8


K1 2021

The origin of the Gold Mining Network concept and token creation


K2 2021

Placement at Pancakeswap

Listed on Coingecko, Coinmarketcap and Trustwallet

Launch of the Gold Mining Network web platform for staking and farming.

K3 2021

Listed on 1-inch exchanges and Bakeryswap

Application of Goldmine DEX Beta

Airdrop launch Goldmine DEX

Listed on the MXC and Hotbit exchanges

K4 2021

Further development of the platform to include additional DeFi options.

The inclusion of the NFT trading platform on Goldmine DEX

K1 2022

List on two other major exchanges.

Launch Goldmine Bank (Asset Lending / Lending Platform)

K2 2022

Start developing the Gold Mining Network (GoldChain)

Introducing a new governance token for the Gold Chain

Start a Mining Event for Management Tokens

Q3 2022 \

Launch of the Goldmine Network Chain (GoldChain) test network

K4 2022

List on Binance and other major exchanges.

Start the main network

Start exchanging GMNE bep20 tokens on GoldChain Mainnet.

You can find more information at the following official link:






Bitcointalk Username: Gedang_goreng

Telegram Username: @gasngopi

Bitcointalk Profile Url:;u=3243664

WALLET BEP-20: 0x36cf2Fdf76E1CEFE2357a9bba779F0F7c363d735
